No-Contact Curbside-Only Pickup
While our library doors will remain closed to the public, we are offering no contact curbside-only pickup services at both our Milan and Berlin locations.
All staff will be wearing masks for your safety, as well as the safety of our staff.
New Curbside Hours: Monday-Thursday, 10AM-6PM and Friday-Saturday, 10AM-5PM
Step 1) Place your hold requests online or over the phone (419-499-4117 for Milan; 419-588-2250 for Berlin). Items must be currently available at our Milan or Berlin locations. If you wish to pick up an item in Milan, it should be available in Milan’s collection. If you wish to pick up an item in Berlin, it should be available in Berlin’s collection.
Items from other libraries cannot be requested at this time. Transit between CLEVNET libraries is currently suspended.
Step 2) Holds may take over 24 hours to process. You will be notified when your items are ready for pick up.
At this time, items will only be held for THREE DAYS.
Step 3) Once you have been notified, come to the library and park in one of the designated “curbside” spots.
If you are not able to drive to the library, we will have dedicated “walk up” spaces indicated and set at safe social distances. We request that any patrons using the walk up spots wear a mask to protect themselves, fellow patrons, and our staff.
Step 4) Call 419-499-4117 for Milan or 419-588-2250 for Berlin to let us know you have arrived. Please be ready with your library card number or your name, address, and phone number so that your items can be checked out.
Step 5) Please open your trunk. A staff member will place your holds directly in your trunk.
Step 6) Place any returns you may have in the outdoor book drops. Please do not give them to staff members. Returned items will quarantined, so please do not be concerned to see them remain on your accounts for up to 7 days after drop off.
- The Milan-Berlin Library District is a fine free library system. Any materials checked out from our Milan or Berlin collections will not accrue fines.
- At this time, accumulated fines/fees can only be paid via check or online with your credit card. We are not currently able to accept cash.
- Patrons with fines/lost item fees from before March 15 that are blocking accounts must pay the amount down before checking out materials.
- We are not currently accepting material donations (books, CDs, DVDs, etc.).
** Please remember that the Milan-Berlin Library District doors remain closed to the public and no patrons will be allowed inside the building.